Livingwell Cat's Claw Extract Powder is promoted as a dietary supplement for a variety of health conditions, including viral infections (such as herpes, human papilloma virus, and HIV), Alzheimer's disease, cancer, arthritis, diverticulitis, peptic ulcers, colitis, gastritis, hemorrhoids, parasites, and leaky bowel syndrome.
It is promoted as a potential longevity supplement for its vitality qualtiies.
The discovery of a natural plant extract from the Amazon rain forest plant (i.e. Uncaria tomentosa or cat's claw) as both a potent “plaque and tangle” inhibitor and disaggregator is postulated to represent a potential breakthrough for the natural treatment of both normal brain aging and Alzheimer's disease.
Test tube studies indicate that cat's claw may stimulate the immune system, help relax the smooth muscles (such as the intestines), dilate blood vessels (helping lower blood pressure), and act as a diuretic (helping the body eliminate excess water).
Unveil an enchanting mystique with Cat's Claw Extract powder! This cherished secret offers a botanical elixir that encapsulates the essence of vitality. This elixir is a celestial addition to your wellness routine, forging a profound connection with the ancient wisdom and healing power of nature. Embrace the journey to holistic well-being with this remarkable treasure from Livingwell
Immune support: Cat's claw extract is believed to have immune-modulating properties that may support overall immune function and response.
Anti-inflammatory effects: It is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may be beneficial for managing inflammation-related conditions.
Antioxidant properties: Cat's claw extract contains compounds with antioxidant effects, which can help protect cells from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals.
Joint health: Cat's claw extract may support joint health and comfort, potentially benefiting individuals with joint-related concerns.
Digestive health: It has been traditionally used to promote digestive health and may help alleviate some gastrointestinal discomfort.
Uña de gato: propiedades y beneficios
- Potente antiinflamatorio La uña de gato es un potente antiinflamatorio, y es por eso que se utiliza para tratar todo tipo de inflamaciones tanto externas como internas del organismo. ...
- Fortalece el sistema inmunitario ...
- Alergias ...
- Aparato digestivo ...
- Cicatrizante ...
- Potente antioxidante ...
La uña de gato (Uncaria tomentosa) es una enredadera tropical que puede alcanzar los 30 m de altura. Su nombre se debe a sus espinas en forma de gancho, que recuerdan a las garras de un gato.
Se encuentra principalmente en la selva amazónica y en otras zonas tropicales de Sudamérica y Centroamérica.
Datos nutricionales.
Con fines medicinales, la raíz y la uña de gato se convierten en té, tinturas, cápsulas o comprimidos. La uña de gato está llena de sustancias beneficiosas.
Contiene más de 30 componentes conocidos, entre ellos al menos 17 alcaloides, junto con glucósidos, taninos, flavonoides, fracciones de esteroles y otros compuestos.
Beneficios y propiedades de la uña de gato.
La uña de gato ha aumentado su popularidad como suplemento debido a sus supuestos beneficios para la salud, aunque sólo las afirmaciones que aparecen a continuación están respaldadas por una investigación suficiente.