Livingwell Black Maca Powder
Maca is generally safe to eat as part of your regular diet. If you take it as a supplement, research has found it to be safe in amounts of up to 3 g per day when used for no longer than four months.
La maca negra exhibe una mayor capacidad antioxidante, recuento de espermatozoides, protección celular y resistencia, que las otras variedades
¿Cuánto tiempo tarda la maca en polvo en hacer efecto?
Dosis: Tome 1 cucharadita, o 3,1 gramos, de maca en polvo al día durante 6 a 12 semanas para ver los beneficios surtir efecto. Las dosis utilizadas en los estudios oscilaron entre 3 y 3,5 gramos diarios
Energy and stamina: Black maca powder is known for its potential to boost energy levels, improve endurance, and enhance stamina, making it popular among athletes and active individuals.
Mood and mental health: Black maca may have mood-enhancing properties.
Antioxidant properties: Black maca is rich in antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Memory and cognitive function: Black maca may have cognitive benefits, including improved memory, focus, and overall brain function.
Immune system support: The nutrients in black maca powder can help strengthen the immune system and support overall immune function.
Muscle growth and recovery: Black maca may aid in muscle growth, recovery, and performance due to its potential effects on energy levels and hormone balance.
Skin health: The antioxidants and nutrients in black maca powder may contribute to healthy skin by protecting against damage and promoting collagen production.
¿Para qué se utiliza la maca en polvo?
La maca en polvo se utiliza tradicionalmente para mejorar el rendimiento sexual , pero los ensayos clínicos que demuestren una mejora son escasos. En un estudio, los hombres que tomaron maca mostraron una mayor mejora eréctil que los que no la tomaron.
Los estudios han demostrado que la maca puede reducir las molestias relacionadas con los niveles hormonales en mujeres posmenopáusicas