Try Livingwell Black Pepper Extract and experience its benefits. Black pepper extract and the piperine it contains also have an effect on your metabolism and are believed to be able to stop fat cells from forming. It achieves this by reducing lipid storage, preventing them from being turned into adipocytes, which, in turn, results in less body fat.
Prueba Livingwell Polvo Extracto Pimienta Negra y la experiencia de sus beneficios.  Siempre la vida saludable puede mejorar los efectos del suplemento

Livingwell Black Pepper Extract

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Livingwell Black Pepper Extract

Livingwell Black Pepper Extract is promoted as an antioxidant that maximizes nutrient absorption—especially vitamin C by up to 50%, aids in heart health, digestive health, contains 95% piperine, and promotes optimized gut flora.

According to some test-tube and animal studies, piperine could help stabilize blood sugar levels by increasing the absorption of sugar into your body’s cells, preventing insulin resistance, and enhancing the effectiveness of diabetes medications

Studies have also shown that terpenes in black pepper extract may exert blood pressure-lowering mechanisms through ion channels and endothelial- and vascular smooth muscle-dependent mechanisms

Black pepper and its active compound piperine may have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Additional laboratory studies suggest that black pepper may improve cholesterol levels, blood sugar control, and brain and gut health.

How much black pepper extract is safe?

Doses of piperine ranging from 5–20 mg per day are generally considered safe. However, you should talk with your doctor before taking this supplement if you have diabetes or are taking any medication

Who should not take black pepper extract?

Although safe in normal amounts, high doses of black pepper have not been studied for safety in pregnant people, breastfeeding people, or children. Lab studies have suggested that piperine, the chemical found in pepper, may slow blood-clotting. 10 High doses could lead to bleeding.

La pimienta negra tiene la capacidad de incrementar el número de calorías, aumentando el balance energético. Estimula la termogénesis, que es el aumento de la temperatura corporal. Puede contribuir a la pérdida de grasa junto con el déficit calórico adecuado

Extracto hidrosoluble. Antioxidante, antienvejecimiento. Fotoprotección, protección de la coloración capilar. Antimicrobiano, purificante, antiséptico. Repelente de insectos. Activador de la microcirculación, anticelulítico.

La pimienta negra común (usada como especia en los alimentos) contiene un porcentaje mucho menor de piperina que los extractos de pimienta negra , que están altamente concentrados (como Bioperine), es posible obtener suficiente piperina de la pimienta negra común para aumentar significativamente la biodisponibilidad. de cúrcuma en los alimentos.